We provide Complete High Quality Kits for building both Cold Frames, Hightunnels and Commercial Greenhouses. These Kits are complete and include the Precision Bent Frames, State-of-the-Art Hardware and a selection Greenhouse Coverings. They are easy to construct and offer an affordable Solution to Extending your Crop Production.

Fan & Covering installed

20 foot propagation house in use
1. The STARSTRUCKTURE GOTHIC ARCH Greenhouses - This system is 30 ft wide, by any length, Most popular is the 20 ft x 48 ft. These systems are made for more commercial operations and/or snowy conditions. Th
e are made of 1 7/8"
gal. steel tubing. This system is a professional unit that provides max- mum growing area for both in-ground and bench systems. These systems come complete with all parts and many options. The V-Truss System insure strength take snow & wind loads easily. The Machine Crank Roll-Up Sides ensure natural ventilation and you have the option of passive solar or hybrid electrical vents and fans. Other options include a tractor sized door, metal end walls sheeted with Twin-Wall® Polycarb
onate panels. You can build this as a Ground-to-Ground or Pony Wall sidewall system.
The 30ft Wide STARSTRUCKTURE ensure maximum space for plants and that means the the will grow large and healthy. As are all of our kits- this unit is complete. from the Ground Posts to the Cover Film, including all hardware and even the drill bits and nut drivers. All you need to put this together is someone to help you stand it up, drill motor, screw gun, ladders and a basic mechanical tool kit. Complete Instructions and Technical helpis just a phone call away.


Below- White 35 year Ground Cloth

2. Simple Hoop House Frames or Low Tunnel Greenhouses - These frames are utilized to build 6 ft to 20 ft wide structures that are 6 ft to 8 ft tall at center. The are made from 1.315" dia. galvanized steel. These ar
e simpl
e Cold Frames that are basically a simple series of hoops with hardware to connect the purlins and hold down the Agribon, shade cloth or greenhouse film. They can be easily set-up, taken down & moved again to any location. They can also be used to cover Rasied Beds- Although these frames can be used to build a basic tunnel-type Hoop House- the nest step up is to a Hightunnel design that is far superior for growing with maximum productivity.

2. The PRODUCER Hightunnel Greenhouses - These systems are similar to a hoop house but they are made from thicker 1.66 "diameter galvanized steel
tube. They are 20 ft wide by up to 154 ft long. These are 12 foot tall (or taller) at center. Most popular is the 20 ft x 48 ft model. These units have 'straight sides' offering more floor space & growing area as well as a Roll-up Natural Ventilation System on the two side walls- These units are built in place and are usually not move
d from location to location. Many growers use both in-ground, raised beds and/or benches in these units. These Hightunnel Kits are Complete-from the Newest woven poly Solaroof® cover option- to the one-piece frames - to the complete Hardware Package- even the drill bits and nut drivers are included. This system can
be put together by one person with minimal help- Just the basic carpentry tools and common sense- and, of course, as much technical help as you request from us...Although these are naturally heated and cooled utilizing passive roll-up sides (pictured at right), you can add whatever else you wish- including tractor door; optional heating; cooling; benches; shading; High Wind Kits and/or light deprivation systems.
3. The STARSTRUCKTURE GOTHIC ARCH Greenhouses - This system is 30 ft wide, by any length, Most popular is the 20 ft x 48 ft. These systems are made for more commercial operations and/or snowy conditions. Th
e are made of 1 7/8"
gal. steel tubing. This system is a professional unit that provides max- mum growing area for both in-ground and bench systems. These systems come complete with all parts and many options. The V-Truss System insure strength take snow & wind loads easily. The Machine Crank Roll-Up Sides ensure natural ventilation and you have the option of passive solar or hybrid electrical vents and fans. Other options include a tractor sized door, metal end walls sheeted with Twin-Wall® Polycarb
onate panels. You can build this as a Ground-to-Ground or Pony Wall sidewall system. The 30 ft STARSTRUCKTURE ensure maximum space for plants and that means the the will grow large and healthy. As are all of our kits- this unit is complete. from the Ground Posts to the Cover Film, including all hardware and even the drill bits and nut drivers. All you need to put this together is someone to help you stand it up, drill motor, screw gun, ladders and a basic mechanical tool kit. Complete Instructions and Technical help is just a phone call away. Right-STARSTRUCKTURE under construction in Nevada City
A. TUFFLITE® 6 mil, UV, AC Poly is the trade standard and the default covering for our kits- This material works well and should last at least three years. This product costs $ .12 (cents) per square foot.
F® Greenhouse Coverings- is a new woven poly greenhouse covering material that we prefer to regular poly. This material, developed in Israel, is a state-of-the-art material that traps heat in winter, utilizing Infrared, Ultraviolet blocking agents and also an Anti-condensate. This material diffuses light so it is much better for the plants within it. Since it blocks infrared light, insects inside of the greenhouse / hightunnel are blind! It is guaranteed for at least 5 years and has held-up longer than that in our uses. This option costs $ .30 (cents) square ft.
Left- Greenhouse Installers walking on top of a SOLAROOF greenhouse cover.